Rice (Oryza sativa)is the main food for Javanese and most indonesians (drier eastern indonesia have sagu and sweet potatoes). Lots of rituals and traditions here actually made for rice worshipment, so it is called that we have a rice culture.
The term 'rice' if translated to bahasa indonesia have a pretty long list depends on its state. The rice plant is padi (paddy) and grown in the watered field (sawah). The grain is gabah, which is rice with palea/skin. After the skin peeled (in ancient time we hammered it with alu and lesung) it become beras (raw rice grain). After cooked/steamed we called it nasi.

The rice goddes is Dewi Sri, fertility symbol, and lots of rituals and offerings are made for her.

Traditional tool to pick rice while harvesting is ani-ani.

There are so many types of rice: white, red, black, glutenous, aromatic, dry, moist, smaller grains, bigger grains. Besides nasi, rice can be cook in many different ways. After milled it became tepung beras (rice flour) to make traditional cakes, chips, wrap in leaves and so on. And we havent talk the rice rules for beauty regime, yet.
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