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Tuesday, May 27, 2008



Rice (Oryza sativa)is the main food for Javanese and most indonesians (drier eastern indonesia have sagu and sweet potatoes). Lots of rituals and traditions here actually made for rice worshipment, so it is called that we have a rice culture.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Javanese post-natal treatment

Javanese women have their secret for post natal body treatment. 7 days after the delivery they put tapel (tah-pehl), mixture of slaked limestone, lime juice, betel leaf and cajuput oil on their stomach. Afterwards, bengkung (behng-koong), cotton wrap of 15 cm wide and 10 meters long binded tightly around the tummy (below breast to hip area). The binder sits there all day, and take off at the afternoon with hot shower to cleanse. This treatment repeated daily for 40 days.

Pilis (peelees) is a forehead mask for relieve headache and restore vision. Parem (pah-reamp) is a water based lotion made by mixtures of rice, ginger and pepper to warm legs and arms and ease the blood circulation. With all the treatments mom’s body will back to initial shape very soon as it is before pregnancy and have a good overall health. Indonesian jamu manufacturers such Nyonya Meneer, Jamu Iboe and Simona have a complete post natal jamus package for no fuss home treatment.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Tuberose Polianthes tuberosa L (Sedap Malam, or Night Delicious - because the scents spread heavily at night) is native to Central America. The fragrance is strong, mysterious and seductive and Indonesians usually asociated the scents with female spirits/ghosts. It’s very popular in Indonesia as cut flowers or clustered for bride’s accessories and decoration, traditional rituals and ceremonies. Other type of tuberose flowers is edible and added to kimlo soup.


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