The puppet made from cow, buffalo or goat's skin which processed, engraved and painted until done. The puppet then played for a wayang kulit show, usually Ramayana or Mahabharata stories. It needs at least 18 people to play a complete shaddow puppet show, one puppet master or dalang, 2 singers and 15 peoples to play music instruments, the gamelan. The show can be up to 8 hours. The stage contains white fabric as a screen with banana tree pole lay down below for sticking all the puppets. The traditional lamp is a brass coconut oil lamp (blencong), but nowadays a halogen lamp will do. The audience watch from behind the white fabrics, only watch the shadow of the ornamental puppet.
This blog ki-demang (sorry, it's in Javenese!) and warta pepadi is a complete resource for more wayang kulit infos.

fragment of Dewi Sri Boyong (Bring Dewi Sri) by Ki Manteb Sudarsono
this one is a shadow video with subtitles
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