In Indonesia our great great grandmother used to wash their clothes with nut called lerak (Javanese) or Sapindus rarak D.C. This nut used for wash the precious batik sheets to maintain its colour and quality. To use this nuts as detergent, the shell must be crashed and put into small burlap bag. Soak and shake it onto a bucket of warm water until a little foam developed. Put the batik sheets/clothes inside and washed it by hands and rinse. This bio soap is so mild it’s very good for colored clothes. Today this plant also on development for agricultural purpose as bio pesticide.

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In this article about revolutionary laundry soap the nut is quite different although its in the same family as java's lerak.
You can find more article about lerak in here, here and here.

pic from
In this article about revolutionary laundry soap the nut is quite different although its in the same family as java's lerak.
You can find more article about lerak in here, here and here.